Faith is being sure of what we Hope for

Women’s Ministry Minute

June 5, 2020

With Jane Kuppler


Thank You Father for Your Word. Thank You for Jesus who opened for us through His blood the way to You. (Heb. 10:14) “because by One sacrifice He made perfect forever those who are being made holy” v22 “​Let us​ draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith 23 ​Let us​ hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for He who promised is faithful, v24 and​ let us​ consider how to spur one another on toward love and good deed” During these last couple of months of working and living from home I read a book on how to study the Bible, then began a study of Hebrews. Daily as I came to my “sacred space”, a corner where I meet God, I would sit and start with quieting my mind, breathing in slowly (BE) breathing out slowly (STILL) repeating often, (BE) (Still) ( Be ) (Here) until my mind quieted letting go of to do’s, worries, past thoughts and distractions. (Be) (Here) (Know) (God) (Be) (Still) (God) (Knows) Daily I read, prayed, journaled, reverenced my way through Hebrews and Always in awe of God’s deep love for me. How He pursues us! His desire is that we know HIm, come to Him, live our lives as if we FULLY trust He is God (11:1). Others lived in full faith and assurance of God being God and His love. Dan. 3,(“O nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want uou to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or workshop he image of gold you have set up) please take a moment and slowly read Psalm 84 Enoch walked with God, pleased God by earnestly seeking HIm. I seek answers, I seek wisdom, comfort...but do I really seek God?) Noah obeyed God “in holy fear”, he took God at his Word, he did not stop when others mocked him or misunderstood his choices. Noah was righteous because of his faith in God. (Can I obey with holy fear when life doesn’t make sense and when because of how I live seems to separate me when I long for connection?) Abraham lived as a stranger on this earth, faithful to God. Through miles, and miles, years and years, yet never “arriving”. He knew his home was heaven. (Can I live fully this day with my feet on this earth, but my eyes on heaven pleasing God with my faith in Him as evident by my love and choices) Moses persevered because he “saw” him who was invisible.(Num. 12:7-8 Moses talked with God, knew Him personally. Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is being SURE of what we HOPE for, and CERTAIN of what we do not see” We have so many who went before us who lived to know and please God. ( side note: Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mother Theressa..) During these turbulent, uncertain and confusing times- Yes our prayer is for hope, safety, peace, healing, comfort, wisdom and compassion for all who are hurting (no matter how they express their pain). May we also meet with our God in our sacred spaces and pray to know Him, walk with Him and live as strangers in holy fear.